Sunday, August 19, 2018

Welcome to Principles of Arts class

Hello and welcome to Graphic Design and Illustration class at Akins!

Mr. Doerr, Mr. Claes and Ms. Alaniz are excited to have you in this class. This is a first-year intro class that leads into several options in future years at Akins. Students who take this class can take Newspaper, Yearbook, Commercial Photography and a Web Graphics Class in the future.

Class Syllabus

For Mr. Doerr's Class Syllabus, click this link. 

For Mr. Claes' Class Syllabus, click this link.

Take a moment to explore the different features of the BLEND Web site.

Standards Based Grading
This year, Principles of Arts will be using Standards Based Grading. You are probably using this in some of our core classes. It's the same here. Instead of just getting a single numerical grade on each assignment, you will be graded on whether you were able to show proficiency and possibly mastery of each standard we cover in this class.

Check out our handy dandy chart to explain how it works.
SBG Chart

Mac and Server Skills
Click on the link below to download a file that will explain some basic Mac and Server skills you will need to master to do well in this class.

Basic Mac and Server Skills (click on me!)

We will walk through most of these skills together in class. Take special note of Steps 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9. You will receive your first grade in this class by saving photos in the correct folder and posting them to your own student blog.

Flipwork (Homework)
Watch the brief video on The Fundamental Elements of Design to give you a preview of the concepts that we will learn during this class.

Be prepared to write a brief reflection on the video when you return to class.

Pay close attention to the following:
  • Elements of Design
  • What is design?
  • How to make brands iconic?
We want everyone in this class to fail. Sounds awful, right? What we mean is that we want everyone to do a lot of work even if it isn't what you think is "great." We all have to practice and fail a lot before we can get to the point where our work might be considered "great."

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.